Best At Home Workouts: Get Tired and Get Centered

Best At Home Workouts: Get Tired and Get Centered

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One of the comments we are hearing from many of our Recover customers, partners, and greater Recover family is that during these times of stay-at-home orders and momentary closures of many recreation areas is, “I can’t figure out how to get exercise and get tired, and I just feel- ‘ungrounded’.” 


While there are many things out of our control right now, it is more important than ever to figure out how to get outside, get some fresh air, and either at home, in your yard, or in an open outdoor place, Move! And smile. Even if your favorite yoga class is cancelled, many studios are offering Zoom classes, even if your favorite trail is closed, there’s no time like the present for some great cross training!

Finding your work-out routines in this new environment might take a little time and might take some mixing up, and that’s why we’ve compiled this list of our favorites. Give the ones that resonate with you a try, and get them into that new routine! Remember exercise, fresh air, and regular stretching and yoga are foundations for staying healthy in body and mind.



Recover’s Best At Home Workouts: Get Tired and Get Centered

Vince’s, Recover’s Logistics Manager

Vince is a beast. He’s got recommendations for everything from longer walks to one of the hardest workouts we’ve ever heard of. Take your pick.

1) Peloton has an app (onepeloton) that is offering a free 90-day trial (no credit card necessary); they have everything from indoor spin and treadmill routines to yoga, stretching, and bodyweight strength sessions. I've been doing a good mix of these and highly recommend the app. 

2) Aside from biking and running, I've found that getting out for some longer walks is a great way to boost one's mood and relax the mind. 

3) Lastly, since we are approaching Memorial Day in a couple of months, but also with the great work the healthcare, military, and public service sectors are doing right now, one of my favorite "hero" workouts to do is the Murph (you can do it with or without a weight vest):

Run 1 Mile
- 100 Pullups
- 200 Pushups
- 300 Air Squats
Run 1 Mile


P.S. - WHOA Vince!

Kyle’s, Recover’s Accounting Manager

Getting grounded and playing chase with Zuzu (her dog/ the longtime unofficial/official manager of the Recover office) Kyle keeps it short and sweet, and really, what more do you need? 

I'm enjoying Yoga with Adriene videos  on YouTube right now and then playing chase with Zuzu (my dog) around the house and backyard!



Bill’s, Recover’s President

Bill is rocking circuits for that max bang for your buck all around workout- excellent cross training for whatever you might be missing right now.

My favorite workouts from home are all circuit based.  It can be hard to stay motivated at home, so sticking to the circuit helps keep me on pace and motivated to finish a good workout.

Tools / Weight:  kettlebell & yoga matt.  If you don't have kettlebells, just use body weight.  If you don't have a yoga matt, find some carpet or grass in the backyard.

Warmup: 1/2 mile jog around the neighborhood to get the blood flowing.  

Stretch:  3 rounds
- lunge in place and hold each leg for 30 seconds
- frog for 30 seconds
- pigeon for 30 seconds
- rdl - 10 reps

Circuit:  3-5 rounds
- 25 sit ups
- 20 kettlebell swings
- 15 push ups
- 10 kettlebell squats
- 1/2 mile run

Goal is to do each round as faster or faster than the previous round

Stretch / Cool down:  1 round
- 90 second plank
- lunge in place and hold each leg for 30 seconds
- frog for 30 seconds
- pigeon for 30 seconds

Kira’s, Recover’s Writer

I am a very uncoordinated fan of dance classes. A friend recommended the Steezy Studio App to me and it is definitely worth checking out if you’ve ever wanted to learn to hip hop dance, or have any interest in laughing and enjoying moving around in the comfort of your own home. I also really enjoy putting together a fun playlist and simply moving through whatever Vinyasa Yoga flow comes to mind/body based on what feels like it really needs some stretching and how much of a challenge I want. I feel like whether I’m drawn to a lot of planks and boat poses, or spending 20 minutes in pigeon, the most important part of the practice is taking a moment to open and close with eyes closed, and three deep breaths.

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