Greg Nance is a Recover Ambassador and the Mission Experience Manager at Catawba Riverkeeper, a longtime environmental partner of Recover. He has been a lifelong lover of nature and a steadfast advocate for environmental protection. Instead of sitting behind a computer, Greg spends most of his days exploring the far reaches of the Catawba-Wateree River Basin as part of the “Protect Team” to ensure clean and plentiful drinking water to the 4 million people that rely on it within the river basin that spans 5,000 square miles across 26 counties in North and South Carolina. Greg’s primary focus at his job is leading Catawba Riverkeeper’s on water programs for both environmental and recreational programs. He leads Eco-Tours guiding guests down beautiful sections of the Catawba River and conducts river surveys on various waterways throughout the basin to document pollution, potential restoration sites, and areas that accumulate trash.
Greg and his team have been hard at work surveying over 100 miles of waterways since Hurricane Helene swept through the Carolinas in the fall of 2024 causing incredible amounts of destruction to the region. They recently conducted a truly unique river cleanup as part of those efforts.
Q: Before we dig into the details of your recent cleanup, can you share a little background about why sustainability and being eco-conscious are important to you?
A: Sustainability and eco-conscious choices matter to me because I want my children and future generations to enjoy the same rivers and natural spaces that I do. I’ve spent a lot of time on the water and have seen firsthand how human activity impacts our rivers, both good and bad. That’s why I am committed to protecting them.
At Catawba Riverkeeper, I turn my passion into action every single day. The choices we make individually and as a community directly affect the health of our rivers. Sustainability isn’t just about the future; it’s about making sure the 4 million people who rely on the Catawba-Wateree River Basin have clean water today, and in the future. That’s why hands-on efforts like cleanups, restoration projects, and water quality monitoring are so important.
Q: So what exactly was this overnight tactical cleanup all about? What does that actually mean and where did the idea come from?
A: Catawba Riverkeeper hosts various river cleanups across the river basin throughout the year for both private and public groups. Most notably our basin-wide Riversweep event each October where 1000+ volunteers pull 60,000+ pounds of trash out of our waterways. Our tactical cleanups are generally boat-based in harder-to-reach sections of our river. They require special equipment, skill sets, and planning. The overnight idea really came down to the amount of time it would take for this project to be successful. We rigged 6 whitewater rafts, 3 to haul camping equipment for 8 people, and 3 dedicated trash rafts. We paddled across a reservoir and down a portion of the rapids before we reached our cleanup site. After setting up camp on the high ground we spent the rest of the evening and next morning cleaning trash and strategically packing everything in our rafts to haul down our next section of rapids. When we reached the next reservoir our Jet Boat Captain was waiting to tow us to the takeout.
Q: What was the biggest surprise of the experience?
A: It’s always a surprise to me that I can find anyone to join me on these trips. The fact that 8 people came out and dedicated their time, talent, and treasure to this project amazes me. I tell people all the time that my friends are my heroes, and I am so grateful for them. Brandon Jones, Kaity D’Angelo, Rachael Rosenstien, Jen Swingle, Nick Allison, Bay Robinson, Luke Gura, and Derek Dixon, I appreciate all you have done and continue to do for our rivers.
Q: What was the biggest challenge of the experience?
A: One was the amount of trash we had to leave behind when our boats were full. On the plus side, it means we get to visit this beautiful place again and keep the project in motion. Two was getting all the people, gear, and trash through the rest of the rapids on day 2. The rafts were literally 1000s of pounds!
Q: Can you share some stats from the cleanup?
Miles paddled: 5 miles
Pounds of trash cleaned up: 2,000 lbs
Interesting finds: a large amount of sports balls, 4 tires, a refrigerator door, 1 kayak, 13 lighters, and as always a ridiculous amount of Styrofoam and single-use bottles both glass and plastic
4 Jet Boat laps up the rapids for the group
10,000 smiles
Q: Not everyone reading is going to be able to do an overnight tactical cleanup like this, but what is one thing that they can do each day to have their own positive impact in their own way?
A: Just one? Here are a few that people can easily do on a daily basis. Reduce plastic use, pick up litter, use less water, support local cleanups, install a rain barrel at your residence, make eco-friendly choices, and advocate for clean water.
Q: Where can the reader go to find out more info about getting involved with their local Riverkeeper organization like the Catawba Riverkeeper?
A: If you live outside of this basin check out Waterkeeper Alliance. Their website will help guide you to a riverkeeper in your area.
Q: Just for fun, what is your favorite/go-to Recover product?
A: My go-to is the Recover Utensils. I use them a few days a week in the field, I used them on the clean-up, I’ve had them over a year, and they are still as good as new.