Why Our Earth Month Fundraiser Does More Than Just Raise Funds

Why Our Earth Month Fundraiser Does More Than Just Raise Funds

Recover Brands Recover Brands
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As an environmentally focused company with a mission to “Help Earth Recover” our measures of success are often defined in non-traditional ways. 

We’ve been encouraged to see the positive response from our “Earth Month Fundraiser” campaign since launching at the beginning of April and are inspired to continue these efforts and many more as we continue to measure our success. 

This campaign leverages our “Zero Waste Online Store” capabilities to create, house, manage and fulfill orders through a unique online storefront for each of our 12 curated environmental non-profit partners. Our print “on demand” model further eliminates excess waste and leftover inventory by only printing what is ordered. Each order puts cash directly into the hands of these frontline environmental orgs and proudly puts their logo on the backs of their supporters … all with zero cost to them.

You can learn more about this campaign from our recent Podcast - Episode #47

Above and beyond raising critical dollars for these orgs from coast to coast we also measure success in a few other non-traditional ways: 

Provides an Opportunity For Non-Profits To Amplify Their Efforts:

Many non-profits don’t have the infrastructure, resources or bandwidth to build out a robust merchandise program. Since we do this on a daily basis it is easier for us to create the framework and handle all the logistics so they can stay on the front lines advocating for their eco-friendly causes. Now they can continue that work with custom branded, high-quality, low waste gear that not only looks good out in the environment, but also helps the environment … literally.

Increases Environmental Awareness All Monthlong:

In many respects, Earth Month is our Super Bowl. Since the general public has heightened awareness of environmental initiatives and efforts, our sustainable apparel and gear messaging is more top of mind. This month-long campaign across all media platforms provides an opportunity for us to share our partner organization’s efforts and include a “Call to Action” for consumers to support those causes in a tangible way.

Expands Our Brand and Products to Target Audiences:

We love sharing our sustainability story with the masses and since each of these organizations have an actively engaged audience of members, advocates, supporters, followers, and staff, it is a great way to showcase our products to those that prefer to make intentional and environmentally friendly decisions on a daily basis.

Showcases the Broad Reaching Need for Environmental Orgs Of All Kinds:

A lot of intention was poured into our selection process for the final 12 non-profits. We felt it was important to showcase a wide variety of non-profits that are doing amazing work in their particular fields, regions, and areas of focus. 

Take a closer look at the orgs and you will quickly notice that these organizations cover the East Coast, West Coast and everything in between. Some are advocating for water quality while others are working towards land conservation and preservation. Some are facilitating tree planting and canopy growth or restoring and rehabilitating wild lands. A few others are working towards education around sustainable recreational use. We’re proud of each of these groups that are playing critical roles in the bigger picture of a more sustainable future.

Directly Supports Our Bottom Line and Mission:

We are building a brand and driving revenue just like our 12 partners, but more importantly than that, the Earth Month Fundraiser and Zero Waste Online Stores are perfect examples where we continue to deliver on our brand promise and our mission of “Helping The Earth Recover By Outfitter Everyone With Apparel And Gear For The Biggest Positive Impact Possible”

Are you ready to join us on our mission? If so, check out the Earth Month Fundraiser HERE and support your favorite environmental non-profit with some sustainable apparel and gear. Your support helps us measure our success in helping the Earth Recover.

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