Q & A with Low Impact Alliance

Q & A with Low Impact Alliance

Recover Brands Recover Brands
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Established in late 2021 the Low Impact Alliance (LIA) is a running industry collective made up of retailers, brands, events and athletes throughout the world committed to acting and advocating for environmental responsibility throughout all facets of the industry. LIA offers partnership with long tenured and mom and pop run specialty stores/events in an effort to provide structure for systematic change at all levels.

Recover has partnered with LIA for their latest initiative as “Better Bins” are hitting run specialty stores across the country this month. We caught up with Christian Fyfe (Co-Founder of LIA) and Calista Ariel (Better Bins Coordinator) to share a bit more about LIA, the launch of Better Bins, and why these efforts are so important for a more sustainable tomorrow, today.


Q: Let’s start with LIA, where did the inspiration come from and what are the primary goals?

A: The LIA was inspired by the lack of initiatives, transparency, and value on sustainability in the running industry. 22 Billion shoes end up in landfills every year and Americans alone throw away more than 68 lbs of clothing and textiles per person per year. Running shoes, clothing and accessories are also extremely energy intensive to make, can take hundreds of years to break down and cause pollution throughout the manufacturing process.We feel that it is our responsibility as consumers, retailers and people to care about the planet and how we are treating it. 

The LIA was founded on the desire to call people in instead of calling people out and to start tackling the big issues with small change. We aim to educate, advocate, and inspire change within the global running community. 


Q: What has been the biggest eye opener in the development of the collective so far?

A: One of the biggest eye openers would be the support but also the apprehensiveness. We have garnered a lot of vocal support and individuals are excited to see this type of space being occupied but when it comes to change there are a lot of factors and many brands are really apprehensive about what can be shared and be transparent about. Everyone is afraid of the greenwashing label. 



Q: We’re super excited to partner on the Better Bin Program beginning this month, can you share what the program is and how it works?

A:Better Bins are a recycling center that equip retailers with the opportunity to provide their consumers a place to recycle shoes, clothing, socks, and nutrition. We have partnered with you all at Recover, with Sneaker Impact and GU/TerraCycle to create a one stop recycling center for individuals to utilize in their local run specialty shop. This allows individuals to recycle nutrition packets, clothing, socks, and shoes. Our intent is to divert more products from landfills but also get people comfortable with the concept of recycling, diverting and thinking about where their products are coming from and then going. 


Q: Why is sustainability so important to you personally and why should it be important to those reading this?

A:This is a really loaded question! I think first to preserve the planet we are on for future generations of people, plants, animals and habitats and because I believe it is our global responsibility. I am a huge outdoor enthusiast and I couldn’t imagine not having all of the amazing outdoors to get away, relax and enjoy with clean air, fresh water and safe environments. With much of the standard American lifestyle we have become so disconnected from the system that allows us to exist. We cannot fathom what it would be like to not have safe food to eat because of a lack of pollinators. We have laws to protect ourselves from inhumane labor. We have the opportunity to breathe air that is not a health hazard 24hrs a day. We have the ability to tune out much of the real issues that are going on in the environment and focus on our personal lives. But for the love of earth, we need to take a step back and open our eyes. 

And if all of that doesn't resonate with you… well we do not have a choice or much time to make change before it's too late.





Feeling inspired? … here are a few more ways that you can help: 

  • Connect with your favorite local run specialty store, tell them about the program, and have them reach out to LIA (HERE) for more information
  • Follow Recover Brands and Low Impact Alliance on social or email to stay in the loop on more sustainable approaches that you can implement into your daily routines
  • Share this article and the recent Be The Impact Podcast Episode 41 on social media to bring more awareness to these efforts

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